eBay Compatible Application
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Searching eBay is Automatically perfect for The 4 Hour Workweek lifestyle!

I’ve been studying the material from Tim Ferris’ book “The 4 Hour Workweek” and it has transformed my work and personal life. Tim talks about ELIMINATION, AUTOMATION & LIBERATION to be able to escape working 9-5 and being able to do whatever we want with our time like travelling etc.

I use as part of my routine to automate my tasks and eliminate wasting time manually searching eBay. It’s also the best way for me to get items on eBay that are at a low enough price for me to be able to re-sell them on eBay. I make a six figure yearly income by buying items on eBay and re-selling them on eBay and other places. I am the owner, and a customer of

I also have gotten my eBay business in-office tasks from 5 days down to 2 days a week! Now I can enjoy my time with my family and do other things I love to do! I’m actually leaving my office right now to go ride my motorcycle!

-Dave Moniz

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